NFC Tags (Near Field Communication)
Near Field Communication or known as NFC is a set of short-range wireless technologies, a common technology and a default feature that comes with most smartphones today. NFC adapts the concept of MiFare that allows data to be transmitted via radio waves with radio frequency 13.56MhZ and additionally; it also induces electric currents within passive components. On top of phone-to-phone communication, NFC tags are often used to store information from short texts like web addresses, contact details, bookmarks, geolocations and many more. It is a quick and efficient way to push information into your phone.
NFC tags are passive devices having no power supply of their own and are reliant on an active device to come into range before they could get activated. An NFC-enabled smartphone is one of the active devices that can power up NFC tags when the phone is in close proximity of around a few centimeters to the tag.
As a technology-driven developer for security products and workforce management systems, TimeTec taps on the NFC technology with the use of NFC tags in replacing the conventional checkpoint devices for guard tour, punch clock or biometric devices for time and attendance clocking.
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